National Sales Director SOX LLC Boca Raton, Florida, United States
We have prepared this alternatives analysis document to assess the environmental benefits that may result from the use of installation of a fully integrated stable living shoreline. The product, which is used as a shoreline stabilization measure (Exhibit 1), has been successfully deployed to prevent soil erosion in such settings. The purpose of this assessment is to determine how its use in a hypothetical application compares with other alternatives with respect to efficacy and derived primary and secondary environmental benefits. For the purposes of this analysis, we have compared a fully integrated stable living shoreline installation with a steel bulkhead/concrete deck alternative (Exhibit 2) as well as a “do nothing” alternative. To assess the efficacy of a fully integrated stable living shoreline, we have developed a hypothetical stabilization application. For comparison, we have assumed the stabilization of a creek or canal bank, approximately 6 feet in height. We have assumed a do-nothing alternative, which assumes no construction or other stabilization effort, but would result in bank erosion and/or failure.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of taking this course/ class, the learner should be able to compare fully integrated living shorelines, bulkhead installations and do nothing approaches with respect to shoreline and hillside erosion.
As a result of taking this course/ class, the learner should be able to defend the use of living shorelines in place of concrete and steel bulkheads.
As a result of taking this course/ class, the learner should be able to recognize the carbon sequestration that occurs in living shorelines compared to concrete/ steel bulkheads and do nothing approaches.