Environmental Specialist POWER Engineers, Inc. San Antonio, Texas, United States
In January of 2021, the EPA signed and issued an updated Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for industrial stormwater discharges. Set to incorporate the changes initiated in this National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is renewing its Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) MSGP (TXR050000) in August of 2021.
The renewed TDPES MSGP will necessitate updates to industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) currently maintained by permittees. These SWPPPs will not only need to include changes outlined in the new permit but will need to include any and all changes to the facility that have taken place since the facility obtained coverage under the most recent MSGP. In order to thoroughly address these changes, a permittee should schedule a site visit to take inventory of industrial materials and activities. This presentation will discuss how to properly prepare for and perform these site visits, offering a detailed description of field forms, field crew training, and SWPPP preparation to ensure that MSGP permit holders are appropriately updating their plans and adhering to stormwater rules and regulations.
As consultants, the presenters will share lessons learned and tips for performing industrial stormwater site visits. With the renewal of the MSGP in August, the presenters will be visiting a multitude of sites on the behalf of their clients and will be able to inform conference attendees how to properly prepare for field work, collect information, and accurately update SWPPPs to reflect the renewed permit. The information will be valuable for attendees who are also preparing for MSGP renewals, or for anyone who is responsible for inspecting and/or maintaining industrial materials and any activities covered by the industrial stormwater permits.
Learning Objectives:
How to properly prepare for field work related to the MSGP permit renewal including a description of field forms, training, and SWP3 preparation.
How to collect relevant data in order to properly update MSGP SWP3s and what industrial stormwater situations could be present on your sites.
How to accurately update SWPPPs to reflect the renewed permit.