Post-doctoral fellow
Wayne State University
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
My name is Nicholas Rebold, PharmD, BCIDP, AAHIVP, and I am an infectious diseases outcomes postdoctoral fellow at the Anti-Infective Research Laboratory in Detroit, Michigan. I am focusing research on resistant gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial infection treatments to improve patient health outcomes. I have experience as an infectious diseases pharmacy resident with clinical training that involved taking care of underserved populations in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts. Through residency, fellowship, and mentors, I have developed research expertise in acute care, infectious diseases, antimicrobial pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic principles, antimicrobial stewardship, statistical methodology, public health, and areas of emerging research on treatment for resistant bacterial infections. My goals for my future career include a faculty appointment at a college of pharmacy. My hope is that this faculty appointment may allow me a clinical position at an academic medical center, time to teach eager learners about the fundamentals of bacteria, antibiotics, and statistical methods, and give time for me to pursue research that improves antibacterial treatments and patient outcomes. My research interests lie heavily in improving patient’s lives who are traditionally underserved, hence my interest in infectious diseases in general, but also in specific infections as infective endocarditis persistent bloodstream infections, opportunistic infections in immune-compromised individuals. Throughout my work as an acute care and infectious diseases pharmacy resident, I have been inspired by novel antimicrobials, alone and in combination with traditional antimicrobials, that treat multidrug-resistant (MDR) organisms. I wish to combine my clinical knowledge, treatment focus, and quality improvement background to create research that is informative and actionable by health professionals to improve patient care.