Head of Biology
AN2 Therapeutics
Disclosure(s): ABBOTT LABS: Stocks/Bonds; ABBVIE: Stocks/Bonds; AN2 Therapeutics: Author on epetraborole patent, Ownership Interest, Salary; AVANOS MED INC: Stocks/Bonds; NABRIVA THERAPEUTICS PLC: Stocks/Bonds; NOVARTIS AG: Stocks/Bonds
MRK (Dickon) Alley PhD is head of biology and a co-founder of AN2 Therapeutics. Prior to co-founding AN2 Therapeutics, Dr. Alley led Discovery Biology at Anacor Pharmaceuticals for 15 years. At Anacor, he and his team elucidated the novel OBORT Leucyl-tRNA synthetase mechanism of action for Kerydin®, an FDA-approved treatment for onychomycosis. This led to the discovery of two novel phase 2 antibacterials currently in development, one of these is being developed form tuberculosis, GSK3036656, and the other epetreaborole is being developed by AN2 Therapeutics. Dr Alley earned his PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Warwick after completing his BSc ARCS in Biochemistry from Imperial College London. He then completed Post-doctoral Fellowships at Columbia University and Stanford University in the lab of Dr. Lucy Shapiro before he was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship at Imperial College London.