PhD student
Degree: Pharmacy, University of Padua (October 2009)
Current position: Ph.D. student in Clinical and Translational Sciences, the University of Pisa (from
November 2018);
Previous position: Research grant, "evaluation of adverse reactions in oncology within the
ALEXANDROS study: an intensive monitoring program on the toxicity of biotechnological drugs
and targeted therapies in cancer patients." The University of Pisa, Department of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Pharmacology and Pharmacovigilance Unit (from November 2015)
Post-graduate education: 1. Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy, the University of Pisa (September
2016); 2. 2nd level University Master “Marketing and Management in the pharmaceutical sector”,
University of Pavia (March 2011).
Past experiences: 1. Research grant "Monitoring of adverse reactions to drugs and vaccines in the
north-west area", Tuscany Pharmacovigilance Center of north-west area, Departmental section of
monitoring adverse drug reactions, Pisa University Hospital (From November 2013 to October
2015); 2 "Technologies as tools to develop monitoring of therapies and improve the
correct administration of drugs in oncology for patient safety" IRCCS San Martino-Ist, Antiblastic
Drugs Unit, Genoa (From April to October 2013); 3 Research grant "Management of oncological
drugs and clinical trial studies" IRCCS San Martino-Ist, Antiblastic Drugs Unit, Genoa (From May
2011 to March 2013)
Scientific research areas: Pharmacology, Pharmacoepidemiology, and Pharmacovigilance
Main research topics: Analysis of administrative databases for evaluating adherence, drug utilization, and clinical outcomes, analysis of spontaneous reporting database of adverse drug reactions with methods of disproportion aimed at identifying risk signals; research on individual cases or series of adverse drug reaction cases.
Publications: Author of 13 articles and 22 abstracts in peer-reviewed scientific journals.