Associate professor
University of Southern Denmark
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
As a researcher in reproductive epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiogly, my main focus is mental health in Scandinavian pregnant women, new mothers and children. This is approached from three angles using the Danish national health registers: 1) by describing the strengths and pitfalls of the registers and exploring methods to optimize the use of these registers, 2) by describing use of psychopharmacologic agents in pregnant women, new mothers and children, and 3) by linkage to questionnaire data to examine more subtle signals of poor mental health and link these data to register data to examine associations of interest. The main goal of my research is to enhance mental wellbeing in mothers and children.
I am from Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital in Denmark. A also serve as the chair of the Danish Society for Pharmaepidemiology since 2019.