Albania Police
Adisa Duka is a Police Officer that graduated from the Albanian Police Academy in 2003 and was appointed as Criminal Investigator in Tirana, Albania. Over the course of her career Adisa has worked in different areas: border and migration, international relations, money laundering and on 2019 was appointed as Chief of Financing of Terrorism Investigation Unit in the Counter Terrorism Directorate. She has a Bachelor Degree in "Law" and currently studing for a Master Degree in International Relation in the University of Tirana. She has been a member of the Inter-Institutional Working Group for EU Integration since 2016 and a member of the working group for drafting the Cross-Cutting Strategy on Countering Terrorism and its Action Plan 2021-2025. Serves as contact point of the Europol Analitical Project “Dolphin” and a member of the Inter-Institutional Group on the Fight Against Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism since 2019.
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