City of Meriden Department of Fire and Emergency Services
Thomaston, Connecticut, United States
JOE SCAGLIONE is a 20-year fire service veteran and a Lieutenant with the Meriden (CT) Fire Department. Lt. Scaglione has a Bachelor of Science degree in molecular cell biology/biochemistry/organic chemistry from the University of Connecticut. He is a State of Connecticut and Pro Board-certified fire service instructor III and fire officer II and is an Adjunct Instructor with Naugatuck Valley Community College Fire Technologies Program, the Connecticut State Fire Academy, and the Wolcott Regional State Fire School. He is an NFPA 472 hazardous materials technician and member of the New Haven Area Special Hazards (NASH) Team. He is a former industrial firefighter with Hamilton Sundstrand Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services, a certified rescue technician and a former member of the Connecticut USAR Task Force Team. Lt. Scaglione serves on the IFSTA validation committees for Essentials 7th and 8th edition and 9th edition Fire Inspector and Code Enforcement. He is a certified State of Connecticut fire marshal who served as Deputy Fire Marshal for the Towns of Portland and Wolcott, Connecticut. Lt. Scaglione has been featured in Fire Engineering Magazine, February 2017, The Engine Company, "Deploying the Leader Line or Courtyard Lay".
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Thursday, June 9, 2022
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Saturday, June 11, 2022
2:15 PM – 3:45 PM