Haz Mat Technician, NVFC Director (WV) and Hazmat Committee Chair
National Volunteer Fire Council & WVU Fire Service Extension
CHARLESTON, West Virginia, United States
Tom Miller is a 37 year veteran of the West Virginia fire service. He is a Pro-Board certified Fire Instructor III and a Hazardous Materials Technician & Incident Commander. Tom has served in the Incident Command System on two (2) transmission pipeline ruptures/explosions. He has served as an SME on the API 1162 and 1185 RP Work Groups, and on PHMSA PAPWG and PERWGs. Tom has been an Adjunct Instructor with West Virginia University Fire Service Extension since 1990 and has written numerous courses on specialized topics in emergency response and delivered them across the country. He is the West Virginia Director to the NVFC and serves as the Chair of its Hazardous Materials Response Committee and its Pandemic Response Task Group, as well as serving as a SME on the U.S. COVID-TAC. Tom also serves on the Homeland Security; Standards & Codes; and Health, Safety & Training committees of the NVFC. He is Principal on the NFPA 470 (formerly 472/473/475/1072) Technical Committee. Tom has Bachelor of Science degree from West Virginia State University and a Master of Arts degree from the School of Education and Professional Studies at Marshall University.
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Friday, June 10, 2022
2:15 PM – 4:15 PM