Tanner Industries/TRANSCAER/Phila LEPC
southampton, Pennsylvania, United States
David Binder is a member of the National TRANSCAER® Task Group and chaired the curriculum committee that put together the TRANSCAER Anhydrous Ammonia training program. David is the Director of Quality, Safety & Regulatory Affairs for Tanner Industries, Inc based in Southampton, PA. He is the Training Director for the Ammonia Safety & Emergency Response Training program known as ASERT program. He has been in the ammonia industry since 1992. David facilitates ammonia safety and emergency response training programs throughout the world for industry, fire department, emergency response and emergency management personnel. He speaks and presents at numerous Federal, State and Industry Association conferences. He is very involved and in leadership positions with various industry associations and has served on various standards committees. David is the Chair of the Philadelphia, PA Local Emergency Planning Committee. He has served in leadership positions with the National Association of Chemical Distributors including the Responsible Distribution Committee. David is a long time faculty member of World Food Logistics Organization Institute programs including those at the University of Oklahoma, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech University), University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA), and Arizona State University.
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Thursday, June 9, 2022
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM