Are you tired of waiting for an answer from your handheld chemical detection device? Rigaku Analytical Devices’ Progeny ResQ 1064nm handheld Raman delivers the power to rapidly assess severity and take immediate action. Onboard 4C software monitors precursors and warns the user if a larger threat manufacturing recipe may be indicated. Equip your teams with advanced yet easy-to-use identification of the largest number of substances – even colored substances and through packaging such as plastic, clear glass and amber bottles. Rapidly identify explosives, chemical warfare agents, precursors, toxic chemicals, pesticides, narcotics and more. With a library and expandable of over 12,500 substances, and an integrated camera for heightened evidence documentation, Rigaku analyzers allow your teams to respond with confidence! No charge 24/7/365 support and software/library updates for the life of the unit. IAFC Booth #314