DetectaChem is located Houston, Texas USA. We proudly manufacture rapidly deployable, handheld, intelligent, and easy-to-operate detection systems called the Seeker. The Seeker enables both explosive and drug detection for safety and security operations throughout the world. DetectaChem products are simple to use and maintain, yet are sophisticated in function and design. DetectaChem launched the world’s smallest automated handheld explosive and drug detector called the SEEKERe. This product adds to the already popular Seeker family including the Seeker MDU, Seeker XDU, and Seeker DDU. The Seeker line has brought new capabilities never possible before in the detection market such as:
• Single test broad range detection
• Extremely small and lightweight
• Full Color LCD
• Multiple Languages
• Extremely User Friendly Please visit our website at or call 1-855-5-SEEKER