Brightworks Sustainability
Throughout his career, Joshua Hatch has worked for solutions to some of the most pressing issues in sustainability: energy efficiency, climate change, and renewable energy. His clients include Facebook, Microsoft, Salesforce, Apple, Equinix, Digital Realty, Fidelity, Bank of America, NASA, Nike, City of Portland, and City of Seattle. Through his service on the U.S. Green Building Council’s Energy & Atmosphere Technical Advisory Group (EA TAG), which informs the development of the LEED rating system, Joshua has contributed to concrete improvements for the entire green building industry. His advocacy for technology clients led to the publication of the LEED Building Design + Construction rating system for Data Centers, and he was a leading proponent and author of the latest LEED version 4.1 credits that link optimized energy performance with renewable energy procurement, providing improved recognition for companies committed to achieving 100% renewable energy.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2022
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM