Health Scientist Administrator
National Institute on Aging
Bethesda, Maryland, United States
Dr. Amelia Karraker (she/her/hers) is a Health Scientist Administrator in the Population and Social Processes Branch of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Division of Behavioral and Social Research. Amelia manages a scientific portfolio on educational cohort studies including Add Health and High School and Beyond, family demography, health and place, and social genomics. Before coming to NIA in 2016, she was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Iowa State University. Prior to that, she was an NIA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Population Studies Center, University of Michigan. Her PhD in sociology was awarded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was an NIA pre-doctoral trainee. She completed a BA in sociology with honors at the University of Chicago and served as an undergraduate research assistant on an NIA-funded R01. Her research focused on describing and explaining social inequalities at the crossroads of health, socioeconomic status, family, and gender in the later life course.
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Thursday, November 3, 2022
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET