Session Title: BSS Flash Poster Session 2: The Power of Purpose and Personal Ties in Late Life
6 - Social Support and Loneliness as Determinants of the Onset of Disability Among Puerto Rican Older Adults
Saturday, November 5, 2022
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
Location: 120-121 CC
Flash Presenter: Amilcar Matos-Moreno, PhD, MPH, The Pennsylvania State University Second Author: Neil Mehta, PhD, UTMB Third Author: Eduardo Villamor, MD, MPH, Dr.PH, University of Michigan Fourth Author: Lu Wang, PhD, University of Michigan Fifth Author: Carlos Mendes de Leon, PhD, University of Michigan
Flash Presenter(s)
Amilcar Matos-Moreno, PhD, MPH
Postdoctoral Fellow The Pennsylvania State University Bayamon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico