Session Title: BSS Flash Poster Session 1: Social Determinants of Late Life Health: A Life Course Perspective
4 - Childhood Maltreatment and Prosocial Behavior: A Qualitative Comparative Study of Irish Older Adult Survivors
Saturday, November 5, 2022
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM ET
Location: 120-121 CC: Poster Number 4
Flash Presenter: Shauna Rohner, PhD, University of Zürich Second Author: Aileen Salas, M.Sc., University of Zürich Third Author: Alan Carr, PhD, C Clin Psychol FPsI, C Psychol FBPsS, Reg FT (FTAI), ECP, University College Dublin Fourth Author: Myriam Thoma, PhD, University of Zurich
Flash Presenter(s)
Shauna L. Rohner, PhD
Post-doctoral researcher University of Zürich Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland