Session Title: Diverse Contexts, Unique Experiences: Impact of Social Isolation on Psychosocial Factors and Cognition
3 - Coping Styles and Cognitive Function in Older Non-Hispanic Black and White Adults
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET
Location: 232 CC
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Ji Hyun Lee, PhD, University of Michigan Co-Author: Ketlyne Sol, Ph.D., University of Michigan Co-Author: Afsara Zaheed, M.S., University of Michigan Co-Author: Emily Morris, M.S., University of Michigan Co-Author: Lindsey Mundy, MS, University of Michigan Co-Author: Jordan Palms, BA,BS, University of Michigan Co-Author: Alexa Martino, B.S., University of Michigan Co-Author: Laura Zahodne, PhD, University of Michigan
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author(s)
Ji Hyun Lee, PhD
Postdoctoral research fellow University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States