Session Title: Existing Data Sets for Family Caregiving and Bereavement Research: High-Value Applications and Key Considerations
2 - Familial and Sociodemographic Determinants of Place of Death: A Retrospective Study of the Utah Population Database
Saturday, November 5, 2022
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ET
Location: 204 CC
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author: Brenna Kelly, University of Utah Co-Author: Heidi Hanson, PhD, MS, University of Utah Co-Author: Huong Meeks, PhD, University of Utah Co-Author: Michael Hollingshaus, PhD, University of Utah Co-Author: Djin Tay, PhD, RN, University of Utah Co-Author: Lee Ellington, PhD, University of Utah and Huntsman Cancer Institute Co-Author: Caroline Stephens, PhD, RN, GNP, FGSA, FAAN, University of Utah Co-Author: Katherine Ornstein, PhD, Johns Hopkins
Individual Symposium Abstract First Author(s)
Brenna C. Kelly
Graduate Student University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah, United States