Situational Social Security - Opening the Doors to Baby Boomers
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM PDT
Location: SCC: 6A
CE: 1 CFP CE Credit(s)
Level of Complexity: Overview
Session Description: The seminar will focus on Situational Social Security. Every client is in a different and unique situation. Clients may be single, married, divorced, surviving spouse, public employees, children, or even able to file a Restricted Application. Attendees will understand the questions and issues that relate to all clients and understand how to ask Probing Social Security questions unlocking additional Social Security benefits for clients. Understanding Social Security will help advisors to connect with babyboomers. The universal language of babyboomers is Social Security. “Door” prizes to be awarded.
Learning Objectives:
To understand Situational Social Security increasing value to clients.
To understand that the universal language to connect with babyboomers is Social Security.
To understand factors and options to consider when filing for SS benefits.
To Understand how to ask Probing Social Security Questions.