Social Event
Jessica Johnston, Johnston
Education Programs Coordinator
Ecological Society of America
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Teresa Mourad
Director, Education & Diversity Programs
Ecological Society of America
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Event Description: Scientists in Parks (SIP) Fellows Program, managed jointly by the Ecological Society of America and the National Park Service, provides highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work on natural resource management needs within a National Park.
Students who are selected into the SIP Fellows program possess an advanced skillset in a wide range of disciplines and provide onsite expertise and recommendations to park staff to address ongoing novel management issues.
In this session, participants of the 2022 SIP Fellows cohort present the results of their summer research projects on topics related to national public land usage, community engagement, data management, and issues related to climate change. An open discussion related to the research within National Parks and where changes are needed to properly address these pertinent issues will immediately follow the presentations.
Group Name: ESA - Department of Education and Diversity Programs