We are an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of early career ecologists in the Ecological Society of America. “Early career” is broadly defined as any post-graduate individual who currently has less than 8 years of full-time employment in an ecology-related position, or otherwise self-identifies as early career. Such individuals may include postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors, lecturers, adjunct faculty members, and employees of government, non-profit, advocacy, university, and industrial scientific entities, though Section membership will be open to any member of the Society. The overall purpose of the Early Career Ecologist Section is to provide support to this sizeable demographic of the Society in the transitional period of their professional development (i.e. from student to professional). Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to, the job search process, tenure and promotion, non-academic career options, securing research funding, course development, and fulfilling committee and other service responsibilities. The Section was formed in 2014 – Please consider joining us and helping to represent your early career peers!
ESA Early Career Ecologist Section
Ecological Society of America
1990 M Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036