We are proud to introduce our NEW lightweight and compact CIRAS-4 Portable Photosynthesis System—the fastest, most accurate portable photosynthesis/chlorophyll fluorescence measurement system available. Check out the highly intuitive user interface and large color touchscreen, RGBW-FR LED light source with user-controllable far-red light intensity, expanded leaf temperature control range, CFM-4 chlorophyll fluorescence module that provides OJIP fast induction kinetics, and many more new features and system capabilities. Performing ultra-fast A/Ci response curves using our CO2 ramping technique is now even faster and simpler than ever! Stop by booth #1411 to check out our versatile soil respiration measurement solutions along with Gill and Hansatech products. Please tell us about your research. Let's see how we can help you to elevate your research.
PP Systems
110 Haverhill Road, Suite 301
Amesbury, MA 01913