Chief Administrative Officer Harris County (TX) ESD11 Mobile Healthcare Tomball, Texas
Description: This leadership academy, based on public safety leadership curriculum and the NEMSMA Seven Pillars of EMS Officer Competencies, provides aspiring and new supervisors with several critical skills they need to perform in their new role. The workshop is broken up into the Seven Pillars of EMS Officer Competencies–Supervisor Officer. The academy will cover a wide array of leadership topics including communications skills and techniques, conflict management, public speaking, process improvement, and ethics. You will learn by doing and hear how leaders from across the country have utilized different ways to solve problems.
Learning Objectives: • Know the history of the EMS Officer Competencies development and identify the intended user of the document. • Define three levels of EMS leadership, identify the seven pillars of EMS leadership, and understand how to use the competencies for personal leadership development. • Identify different communication skills and techniques to use as a new leader and understand conflict management and how to handle difficult situations as a new supervisor. • Identify the importance of ethics and the role it plays in a supervisor's day-to-day operations and understand the importance of teamwork and integration to achieve tasks. • Understand the obligations of a supervisor related to public speaking and how to handle these situations. Define the meaning of process improvement and how to implement change.