In Charge Paramedic Montgomery County Hospital District HOUSTON, Texas
Description: The last two years have posed unique challenges for EMS providers. The obstacles faced have caused negative impacts on individual mental and physical health. Additionally, the pandemic has had impacts on morale across the healthcare industry. Your agency is tasked with creating an environment for your responders to thrive despite the adversities they face day-to-day. Just as the challenges you faced were new and unique, your solutions must be equally innovative. In NamastEMS, we will discuss alternative approaches to improving responder health that include yoga, circuit workouts, agency physical events, nutrition and diet support, peer support groups and more. Administrative support for these initiatives allows responders to participate in activities while gathering outside of their traditional environments while at work. Working together to complete physical challenges creates unity among the crews and improves overall morale. More so, physical fitness and diet can improve responder mental health, increase productivity and customer service and decrease lost manhours from injury or illness. Utilizing employees with special interests in fitness and wellness can keep your initiatives cost effective so even agencies with restrictive budgets can benefit from wellness programs.
Learning Objectives:
understand the roadblocks you may encounter when proposing and organizing an alternative wellness program for your service.
expect that engagement may be hard when launching an alternative wellness program but be armed with tools to encourage participation.
rally group participation to boost employee health and service morale with peer driven initiatives.