Associate Professor of Paramedic Science Buckinghamshire New University, UK High Wycombe, England
Description: Covid-19 had, and continues to have, a significant impact on EMS operations and education across the globe. Working in higher education, frontline clinical practice and for the College of Paramedics throughout the pandemic, I witnessed a whole range of practices and policy decisions which had a signicifant impact on clinicians, leaders and managers, educators, students, researchers and the wider EMS profession. This presentation will consider the UK experience sharing some of the challenges that we faced (and how they were overcome, or not in some cases), the positive changes that we are keeping as a result of Covid-19 and conclude with some thoughts about EMS students. The impact on students' education, training and experience during the pandemic did not create headline news but the challenges that lay ahead for the future workforce deserve some critical consideration as they graduate with little experience of 'normal' clinical practice. The presentation will utilise some testimony from my own experiences, as well as testimony from colleagues and professionals who held a variety of positions during the UK Covid-19 response.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will gain an awareness of the specific challenges faced during the UK EMS response to Covid-19 using testimony from a range of UK EMS professionals.
Upon completion, participants will appreciate the challenges in the context of our solutions and our failures, including the good practice that we plan to keep.
Upon completion, participants will understand the specific challenges facing UK EMS education and student paramedic development in higher education.