Laura Lackner
Northwestern University
Oleh Khalimonchuk
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The session seeks to promote cross-talk across the areas of basic mitochondrial biology and molecular mechanisms of disease and aging, and provide an opportunity for biomedical researchers to explore and discover potentially unrecognized mechanisms of disease. Holding an interest group session that focuses on the diverse aspects of mitochondria and pathways that underlie the pathophysiologic mechanisms of age-associated diseases will provide a forum to uniquely gather the international community of scientists in mitochondria, cell metabolism and aging research. The overarching goal is to organize an exciting and interactive interest group session, expand the array of participants and trigger new synergy among researchers in the mitochondria and age-associated disease fields. We also aim to provide an excellent training experience for young scientists and foster professional connections between junior and more established investigators.
Jessica Spinelli, Whitehead Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Breann Brown, Vanderdilt University
Natalie Niemi, Washington University in St. Louis
Valentin Cracan, Scintillion Institute/Scripps Research