Presenting Author
Weill Medical College
Following fellowship at the NIH, I moved to Cornell University Medical College (now Weill Medical College), where I have spend my career. My professional effort includes both renal transport physiology and clinical nephrology. Since 1981, I have been the PI of RO1-DK29857, “Theory of solute and water transport across epithelia”, and the principal aim of that project has been the creation of mathematical models and computer simulation of renal function. The original focus of this project was proximal tubule transport, although at this point, my published models of kidney tubules now comprise a complete collection of nephron segments, as single entities and concatenated to form a complete nephron. Most recently, the project has now achieved its objective of a full kidney simulation, in which renal cortical and medullary vasculature is included, and interstitial solute concentrations emerge as model predictions. In conjunction with this modeling project there have been several productive collaborations with experimental labs. My practice as a clinical nephrologist provides a translational sensibility, namely a practical knowledge of fluid and electrolyte disorders and of diuretic effects, which can guide and prioritize the simulations.