Presenting Author
Texas A&M University
Encapsulating the story of my academic and professional life in three terms: medical devices, microenvironment, and fluid mechanics. I am a Ph.D. candidate in biomedical engineering with more than 10 years of experience in prototyping, designing, and testing microfluidics/fluidics, MEMS, and organ-on-chip devices. Through years of hands-on experience with liquid handling instrumentation, complex electromechanical equipment, and cell culture, I’ve gained skills in collecting data in the lab environment and have become analytical, methodical, and detail-oriented in planning, experimentation, and analysis.
I have successfully designed innovative devices and instrumentations and performed complex experiments requiring microfabrication, microscopy, cellular/molecular biology, and numerical simulation skills due to my diverse background in mechanical, electrical, and biomedical engineering. I’ve had the opportunity to work in 3 cross-functional and multidisciplinary technical research labs and teams consisting of experts in biomedical, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and material engineering as well as biochemistry, biology, microbiology, and immunology.
Some Highlights:
• Reduced the BioinSyst lab and PATHS-UP projects yearly microfabrication cost by more than 50%: proposed, designed, purchased, set up, and characterized a less costly yet more efficient photolithography cleanroom facility
• Led the microfabrication group consisting of 10 graduate students and pos-graduate scholars and provided an innovative and technical environment for all researchers to manage their projects
• Highly engaged in developing and improving lab infrastructure and capabilities of an early-stage growing research lab by addition of precise pressure-flow handling instrumentation as well as handling the purchasing department to buy lab consumables and equipment
• Solid fluid dynamics and biofluid mechanics background in microscale fluid and mass transport phenomena (convection, diffusion, reaction, and their coupled effects)
• Performed several projects in computational fluid dynamics using CAD software and modeling tools (Ansys Fluent and COMSOL) integrated with user-defined functions developed with programming languages
• Last but not least, super excited to present my work in front of the public and to join student organizations and professional communities to engage with lawmaking policies and to interact and share ideas with other people