Presenting Author
University of South Florida
1. Isaeva E, Bohovyk R, Fedoriuk M, Shalygin A, Klemens CA, Zietara A, Levchenko V, Denton JS, Staruschenko A, Palygin O. Crosstalk between ENaC and basolateral Kir 4.1/Kir 5.1 channels in the cortical collecting duct. Br. J. Pharmacol. 2021. doi:10.1111/bph.15779 Cited in: PubMed; PMID 34904226.
2. Bohovyk R, Fedoriuk M, Isaeva E, Shevchuk A, Palygin O, Staruschenko A. Scanning ion conductance microscopy of live human glomerulus. J Cell Mol Med. 2021 May;25(9):4216-4219. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.16475. Epub 2021 Mar 21. PubMed PMID: 33745233; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8093965
3. Shalygin A, Shuyskiy LS, Bohovyk R, Palygin O, Staruschenko A, Kaznacheyeva E. Cytoskeleton Rearrangements Modulate TRPC6 Channel Activity in Podocytes. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 22;22(9). doi: 10.3390/ijms22094396. PubMed PMID: 33922367; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8122765
4. Golosova D, Palygin O, Bohovyk R, Klemens CA, Levchenko V, Spires DR, Isaeva E, El-Meanawy A, Staruschenko A. Role of opioid signaling in kidney damage during the development of salt-induced hypertension. Life Sci Alliance. 2020 Dec;3(12). doi: 10.26508/lsa.202000853. Print 2020 Dec. PubMed PMID: 33046522; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7556751
5. Semenikhina M, Fedoryuk M, Bogovik R. The effect of protease-activated receptors 1 inhibition on depressive-like behavior in the latent stage of formation of temporal lobe epilepsy. Fiziol. Zh. 2020; 66(5):17-22. doi: 10.15407/fz66.05.017
6. Fedoriuk MP, Stefanenko MV, Bohovyk RI, Cherninskyi AO, Maximyuk OP, Isaev DS, Platonov MO, Krishtal OO. Pharmacological blockade of Acid Sensing Ion Channels normalizes emotionally conditioned learning disturbed due to epileptic status. Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal. 2020; 66(5):11-16. doi:
7. Palygin O, Spires D, Levchenko V, Bohovyk R, Fedoriuk M, Klemens CA, Sykes O, Bukowy JD, Cowley AW Jr, Lazar J, Ilatovskaya DV, Staruschenko A. Progression of diabetic kidney disease in T2DN rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2019 Dec 1;317(6):F1450-F1461. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00246.2019. Epub 2019 Sep 30. PubMed PMID: 31566426; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6960784
8. Isaeva E, Fedoriuk M, Bohovyk R, Klemens CA, Khedr S, Golosova D, Levchenko V, El-Meanawy A, Palygin O, Staruschenko A. Vibrodissociation method for isolation of defined nephron segments from human and rodent kidneys. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2019 Nov 1;317(5):F1398-F1403. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00448.2019. Epub 2019 Oct 7. PubMed PMID: 31588797; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6879945
9. Semenikhina M, Bogovik R, Fedoryuk M, Lunko О, Savotchenko A, Isaeva E. Pharmacological blockade of protease-activated receptors 1 normalizes behavioral hyperexcitability of rats in the latent stage of the experimental model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Fiziol Zh. 2019 March. doi: 10.15407/fz64.02.012
10. Semenikhina M, Bogovyk R, Fedoriuk M, Nikolaienko O, Al Kury LT, Savotchenko A, Krishtal O, Isaeva E. Inhibition of protease-activated receptor 1 ameliorates behavioral deficits and restores hippocampal synaptic plasticity in a rat model of status epilepticus. Neurosci Lett. 2019 Jan 23;692:64-68. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.10.058. Epub 2018 Nov 1. PubMed PMID: 30391321
11. Fedoriuk MP, Cherninskyi AO, Maximyuk OP, Isaev DS, Bogovyk RI, Venhreniuk AV, Boyko OM, Krishtal OO. Inhibition of brain asics affects hippocampal theta-rhythm and open-field behavior in rats. Fiziol. Zh. 2019; 65(1):15-19. doi: 10.15407/fz65.01.015
12. Lunko OO, Bogovyk RI, Fedoriuk MP, Semenets GS, Isaeva EV. The protease-activated receptor 1 inhibition during epileptogenesis does not alter behavioral excitability in rats. Fiziol. Zh. 2018; 68. doi: 10.15407/fz64.02.012
13. Semenikhina MO, Bogovyk RI, Fedoriuk MP, Stasyshyn OV, Savotchenko AV, Isaeva OV. Isaeva Protease-activated receptor 1 inhibition does not affect the social behavior after status epilepticus in rat. Fiziol. Zh. 2018; 64(6):17-22. doi: 10.15407/fz64.06.017
14. Savotchenko AV, Semenikhina MO, Krasnianchuk IV, Bogovyk RI, Honcharova AE, Isaeva OI. Behavioral consequences of enterobiasis in rats. Fiziol Zh. 2018; 64(5):20-25. doi: 10.15407/fz65.01.020
15. Bogovyk R, Lunko O, Fedoriuk M, Isaev D, Krishtal O, Holmes GL, Isaeva E. Effects of protease-activated receptor 1 inhibition on anxiety and fear following status epilepticus. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Feb;67:66-69. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2016.11.003. Epub 2017 Jan 13. PubMed PMID: 28088683