Presenting Author
Poison Control and Medical Forensic Chemistry Center, Jazan Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Ibraheem Attafi was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1978. He received the bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Master's degree in Toxicology, and PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 2004, 2013, and 2020, respectively.
In April 2004, he joined the pharmaceutical department, King Fahd Central Hospital, Jazan, where he was wok as pharmacist in drug information center & narcotic drug pharmacy. He prepared the continuous education programs for pharmacy and hospital staff and provide patient counseling. In July 2013, he joined poison control and medical forensic chemistry center, Jazan as toxicology consultant for therapeutic drug monitoring, emergency toxicology, forensic medicine, and forensic chemistry services. In addition, he is a supervisor of training and research in poison control and medical forensic chemistry center, Jazan. His current research interests include Forensic toxicology, Ante- and post-mortem analysis, organic and inorganic profile analysis, heavy metals, Molecular toxicology, and Nano-toxicology. He is an active member of specialized societies, including the Society of Toxicology, Arab Society for Forensic Science and Forensic medicine, and Saudi Toxicology Society.
He was the recipient of King Saud University Award for Scientific Excellence, first place in Post graduate research, 2017, Dr. Waleed Kayali 1st Prize for Scientific Research in Pharmaceutical and Basic Science (Postgraduate Students Branch), Saudi Pharmaceutical Society, Riyadh, Saudi, Arabia, 2018, and MOH's Pioneer Research Award (2019) for obtaining the 3rd place in the Track for researchers, who have the highest number of publications and citations in high-impact factor journals.