Presenting Author
University of Michigan
My name is Rachael M. Lucero. I am currently a 4th year graduate student in the Program of Chemical Biology (PCB) at the University of Michigan in the Stockbridge/Chapman Labs. My research objective is to elucidate the biological role of the bacterial metabolite, guanidinium, and to explore guanidinium export proteins as a target for developing antimicrobial treatments. During my undergraduate and Masters career, at San Jose State Univeristy (San Jose, CA), I investigated the enzymatic function of mosquito proteases involved in blood meal digestion as a potential vector control strategy. My professional goal is to found a startup company together with a labmate. The company would focus on providing solutions to problems associated with global climate change and plastic waste management through enzymatic treatment strategies, investigating alternative strategies for antibiotic resistant infections, and vector control.
I have been recently nominated for two awards within the graduate school at UMich - The Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship and the LSI Outreach Award. I am eager to continue to help inspire, support, and serve as a role model to other budding minority women in science and uphold my dedication to developing inclusive and intercultural environments. I have co-founded the first DEI program, as well as the first student-ran support group system for the PCB program at UMich. These programs foster both an individualized and grouped, supportive environments that can be utilized by students as a tool to seek student allies within the program as they navigate the ups and downs of graduate school. Ultimately, I would like to lead the Research and Technological Development team and Outreach team within a my own start up company or at a biotech company.