Presenting Author
Charles University, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Petr HENEBERG, Ph.D.
Researcher ID
Assoc. Prof. in Genetics, molecular biology and virology (2020) - Charles U., Prague, Faculty of Science
Ph.D. in Immunology (2008) - Charles U., Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine
RNDr. in Biology (2006) - Charles U., Prague, Faculty of Science
MSc. in Biology (2003) - Charles U., Prague, Faculty of Science
07/2005 – present Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine, Prague, CZ
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Head of the Metabolism Reprogramming Lab
04/2008 – 05/2011 University Health Network - Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, CA
Fellow at the Division of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology; head: Dr. Benjamin G. Neel
10/1999 – 12/2010 Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i., Prague, CZ
Research assistant & PhD student at the Department of Signal Transduction; head: Dr. Petr Dráber
Professional Activities:
• Editorial Board member: Diabetes Care (2018-2020); PLoS ONE (since 2015); Antioxid. Redox Signal. (rev. editor, 2014, 2021); Appl. Sci. (since 2012); Immunol. Endocrin. Metab. Agents Med. Chem. (2012-2018); Anti-Canc. Agents Med. Chem. (since 2011)
Publications and Other Outcomes:
In total, 173 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 152 of these in journals with IF (J. Exp. Med., Diabetes Care, Semin. Cancer Biol., ISME J., Antioxid. Redox Signal., J. Immunol., Cancer Metab., Carcinogenesis, etc.); 10 books / book chapters (published by Springer, Royal Society of Chemistry, Aventinum, etc.); 11 proceedings papers; 81 conference abstracts; 131 popular science articles (Vesmír, Živa, Právo, VTM Science, 3.pól, etc.); 2258 nucleotide sequences in the NCBI Nucleotide database; h-index 23; sum of the times cited according to WoS: 2507.