Presenting Author
GREAB-Research Group in Biological Anthropology. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, BEECA. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
My research links Phenomics with Genomics, combining imaging, genetic and morphometric techniques. Since 2019 I am Associate Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona. My lab interest is to understand how craniofacial and brain structures are integrated in development, and how this knowledge can be translated into biomarkers for genetic and neurodevelopmental disorders that can be translated into the clinical practice. Our current projects on Down syndrome, psychotic disorders and rare disorders apply this integrative approach, bringing together an inter-disciplinary team with experts on imaging, computer modelling, engineering, neuroscientists and clinicians to progress from basic research towards personalized medicine. I combine my research with teaching and outreach activities, fostering gender equality and girl’s interest for science.