Presenting Author
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Dr. Sho Oasa, Assistant Professor has acquired his BSc in Biology (2011) and his MSc (2013) and PhD (2016) degrees in Life Science at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. He has conducted his graduate education under Prof. Masataka Kinjo (2011-2016) and continued his research training at the postdoctoral level under his guidance (2016-2017), studying the dimerization of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and the relationship between GR dimerization and transcriptional regulation at the single-cell level using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS). In 2018, he continued his postdoctoral training in Vladana Vukojević’s research group, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, where he works together with Dr. Rudolf Rigler and Dr. Lars Terenius, Karolinska Institutet and Dr. Aleksandar Krmpot and Dr. Stanko Nikolić, Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Serbia, on further development and advanced applications of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. In particular, the team has developed a new functional Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging (fFMI) modality with single-molecule sensitivity and high temporal resolution that is based on massively parallel Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy integrated with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (mpFCS/FLIM). In 2021, Dr. Oasa has acquired the Assistant Professor position at Karolinska Institutet. In his on-going research, he is using fFMI to quantitatively characterize the cellular dynamics of biomolecules and their interactions in live cells, furthering our understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying common diseases.