Presenting Author
Eastern Illinois University
Professor Beck earned his B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry with ACS certification cum laude at Tennessee Technological University in 2011, where he performed research with Professor Edward Lisic. He then obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2015 at the University of Michigan with Professor Mi Hee Lim, spending the last year of his graduate studies as a visiting research scholar at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology in Ulsan, South Korea. His graduate work focused on designing small molecule chemical tools to study metal-protein interactions in neurodegenerative diseases. Then, as a postdoctoral scholar with Professor Bryan Dickinson at the University of Chicago, he developed small molecule chemical tools to study covalent cysteine PTMs. Professor Beck joined the faculty at Eastern Illinois University in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the Fall of 2019.
Eastern Illinois University is a Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI). We are happy to collaborate on projects and share reagents.