Presenting Author
Rice University
Beth Beason-Abmayr, PhD, is a Teaching Professor of BioSciences at Rice University in Houston, TX, and a faculty fellow of the Rice Center for Teaching Excellence. She has developed multiple course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) and a student-centered animal physiology course. She is a past recipient of the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching and the Teaching Award for Excellence in Inquiry-Based Learning at Rice. She is a leader with the National Institute on Scientific Teaching (NIST) and co-director of a 2022 Regional Summer Institute (SI). She also is a longtime judge for the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition and a member of the iGEM Judging Program Committee. Beason-Abmayr is chair of the American Physiological Society’s 2022 Institute on Teaching and Learning and is an associate editor for Advances in Physiology Education. She earned her PhD in physiology and biophysics at The University of Alabama at Birmingham.