Presenting Author
University of Alberta, Canada
My name is Chan S Kim from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. My academic background is in cell biology/physiology (BSc) and my primary research interest is focused on hematology-oncology.
My research experience is comprised of two summer research studentships during the years 2018 and 2019 co-supervised by Dr. James R Hammond and Dr. David D Eisenstat, followed by two years of volunteering at the Hammond Lab during my third and fourth academic years, which has culminated into 4 separate first-authored poster presentations.
In September 2020, I started my current position as a Master’s student (MSc) in the Department of Pharmacology under the supervision of Dr. James R Hammond. My thesis project seeks to address the connection between SLC43A3-encoded ENBT1 expression within human tissues and 6-mercaptopurine associated toxicities