410.11 - ASBMB Connect: Membership - What do members want out of an annual meeting?
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
1:00 PM – 1:50 PM
Room: Exhibit/Poster Hall A-B - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Starting in 2023 in Seattle, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will be holding a stand-alone annual meeting, now called Discover BMB (discoverBMB.asbmb.org). DiscoverBMB will offer an exciting agenda that includes in-person and virtual sessions, talks by the field's foremost experts, interactive workshops on the latest trends, technologies and techniques, and an invigorating exhibition of posters, services and products.
At this ASBMB Connect event at EB 2022, ASBMB staff members and meeting planners want to hear what would make Discover BMB in 2023 a must-attend event for you and members of your lab.
The preliminary program includes symposia on:
o Applications of AI in structural biology and pandemic preparedness o Diversity, equity and inclusion o Education and professional development o Enzymology of geoscience o Frontiers in carbohydrate synthesis and recognition o Lipid dynamics and signals in membrane and protein structure o Metabolism: methods, intra and inter organism connections o Protein machines and disorder — integrative biomolecular modeling o Quality control in organelles o RNA/DNA o Signaling
What types of programming would you like to see in 2023? What are the barriers to attendance? How can we make this the most important scientific meeting of the year?
Help us design a meeting that meets your professional needs!
This event will be located in ASBMB Connect (across from the society booth, #1739) in the Exhibit Hall.