5.3 - Meeting Competencies for Pathobiology and Translational Science Graduate Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Saturday, April 2, 2022
8:30 AM
Room: 118 A - Pennsylvania Convention Center
Introduction: Session Description: The Graduate Program Director’s Meeting is open to anyone interested in graduate education. This session will focus on the movement to establish core-competencies in graduate programs. It will start with a presentation by Dr. Bouchard from Drexel University. Dr. Bouchard oversaw the recent generation and establishment of core-competencies for their biomedical graduate programs and will provide an overview of that process. The remainder of the session will be a discussion about core-competencies specific to pathology programs, and will include presentations by two program directors on how their programs are currently meeting core-competencies. The goal of the session is to help programs develop and implement core-competency requirements for their graduate programs.
Jonathon Homeister ( University of North Carolina )