Sangiacomo Chair and Chairman
City of Hope Medical Center
Dr. Yuman Fong the Sangiacomo Chair and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at the City of Hope Medical Center.
Dr. Fong is best known clinically for his work in the field of liver and pancreatic surgery. His work helped establish hepatic resection of colorectal metastases as a safe, effective, and potentially curative option even at stage IV. He also helped in ushering in robotic techniques for HPB surgery. He is editor of the SAGES Atlas of Robotic Surgery. For his clinical work, he was awarded the Layton F. Rikkers Master Clinician Award from the SSAT.
He has assisted in the design and deployment of many novel surgical tools and gene manipulation tools. His work in medical engineering has led to his election to the American Institute of Medical and Biologic Engineering.
Dr. Fong’s laboratory is focused in the field of gene therapy. His group was the first to administer recombinant viruses into the blood stream of man as a cancer treatment. His leadership in this field on the national level has included serving as the Chair of the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) of the National Institutes of Health. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Therapy Oncolytics (Cell Press).
He has co-authored over 1000 peer reviewed articles and 20 textbooks (h-index>140). His papers have been cited >80,000 times. He has been elected to the American Society of Clinical Investigation and the National Academy of Medicine.
covidien inc (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Consultant; Eureka (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Consultant; Imugene (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Advisor or Review Panel member, Royalties; Iovance Biotherapeutics (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Consultant; Medtronics (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Consultant; Merck (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Royalties; Sangamo (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Advisor or Review Panel member; Theromic (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Consultant; Vergent (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Consultant