Director of Inpatient Pharmacy
Providence, RI, United States
Dr. Bryan McCarthy is the director of the inpatient pharmacy at Lifespan in Rhode Island. He is passionate about strategic planning, pharmacy workflow optimization, employee engagement, pharmacist education and training, and medication safety. He has been a contributing member of ASHP for ten years and has served on several advisory groups within the section of pharmacy practice managers. He is proud alumni of the ASHP Foundation Pharmacy Leadership Academy. Dr. McCarthy is active with the Rhode Island Society of Health-System Pharmacists (RISHP). Dr. McCarthy previously served as Illinois delegate to the ASHP House of Delegates. He has published in several professional journals and serves on the editorial board of AJHP. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Residents which continues today as AJHP Residents Edition. His recognitions include the Illinois New Practitioner Leadership Award, Illinois Outstanding Volunteer Award, ASHP/APhA Association Best Practices in Transitions in Care Award, and ISMP Cheer’s Award.
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