Clinical Professor
UT Dallas, AUD Program
Dallas, Texas, United States
Dr. Jackie Clark joined the UT Dallas Audiology Program in 1996 prior to the programmatic restructuring to the AUD. She is currently a Clinical Professor at UT Dallas' School of Behavioral & Brain Sciences where she teaches a variety of didactic, clinically experiential and study abroad courses as well as provision of professional clinical services at the Callier Center. In addition, she has been awarded an appointment as Research Scholar with The University of The Witwatersrand School of Speech and Hearing Therapy in Johannesburg, South Africa. She has been a consultant for the World Health Organization Division of Deafness and Hearing Impairment, and participated in the creation to fruition of the Published World Report on Hearing along with a number of other WHO publications. When in Texas, she carries a very full teaching load in a wide range of classes . Dr. Clark is a Co-Founder/Co-Director of the Coalition of Global Hearing Health as well as a Past President of the American Academy of Audiology
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