Juliëtte Sterkens, AuD
Hearing Loss Association of America
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
Following a successful career in private practice in Oshkosh Wisconsin, Dutch born audiologist Dr. Juliëtte Sterkens is currently on her encore career as the Hearing Loss Association of America’s professional hearing loop advisor. In this capacity, she ardently advocates for inclusion of and properly programmed telecoils in hearing aids and cochlear implants, the installation of hearing loop systems that meet IEC 60118-4, as well as other T-coil compatible assistive technology, to permit universal hearing access for consumers with hearing loss the world over.
Financial Disclosures: Hearing Loss Association of America- Speaker/Honoraria, I receive a consulting fee from HLAA thanks to grant funding from the David and Carol Myers Foundation
Non-Financial Disclosures: I do not have any relevant non-financial relationships with anything to disclose.