Senior Client Consultant
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Amanda works with renewable energy clients throughout the continental U.S., working through state and federal policies related to renewable energy and connecting project developers with the right engineers and scientists to implement compliance programs during project planning, design, and construction phases. To do this effectively, Amanda is not only knowledgeable regarding current policies but has informed herself about renewable energy projects, from coast to coast, both wind and solar, ranging from design stage through full operation. This effort gives Amanda a unique perspective on what a project needs at each stage of development, from field surveys to stakeholder public engagement to operation and maintenance; and every consulting process in between. Amanda has had her hand in more than 175 renewable energy projects throughout her career, which has spanned more than a decade. As a project manager, she assisted project developers and engineers in implementing compliance programs and asset management to avoid impacts to protected and sensitive species and their habitats.
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