VP Member Care and Management, Federal Employee Program
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
David Yoder is the vice president of member care and benefits at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association’s Federal Employee Program (BCBSA FEP). BCBSA a national federation of 35 independent, community-based and locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) companies. Today, one in three Americans is covered by the Blue System, and BCBSA FEP is the world's largest privately underwritten health insurance contract covering nearly 5.4 million members.
Within FEP, Yoder oversees the care operations, benefits development, quality improvement and pilot functions. His responsibilities include analytics, provider network relations, case and disease management responsibilities, medical policy development and oversight of pharmacy programs. He also has responsibility for the FEP Blue Dental and FEP Blue Vision programs within the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Programs (FEDVIP) that separately provide dental and vision services to over 1.4 million federal employees and Tricare retirees.
Yoder has more than 20 years’ experience managing and overseeing health plans’ clinical and business operations, including the past 11 years at BCBSA. He previously served 6-½ years active duty in the U.S. Navy, during which time he was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal for his work on Pharmacy Automation systems.
Yoder also works closely with the University Of Maryland School Of Pharmacy where he holds an Associate Professor appointment. In 2018, he was awarded the prestigious Key to Pharmacy Hall in recognition of his long history of working with the University as well as acting as mentor to many Doctoral and PhD candidates. In addition, he has co-authored several peer-reviewed article publications.
Yoder received his Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Maryland in 1998 and his Masters of Business Administration from the University of Baltimore in 2001.
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