Director of Marketing and Veterinary Services
Virbac Animal Health
Flower Mound, TX, United States
A São Paulo, Brazil native, Dr. von Simson received his doctorate in veterinary medicine from the University of São Paulo, and his MBA from Fundação Getulio Vargas, also in São Paulo. He has over 30 years of experience in animal health, starting his career by building a successful equine practice in Brazil, and then had several roles with increasing responsibilities in Marketing and Professional Services at Rhone-Merieux, Merial, Bayer, and for the last 6 years, at Virbac.
Cristiano has several published papers and often lectures at veterinary conferences. He is a board member, and past vice-president of the American Heartworm Society. He has worked with Dermatology products for more than 20 years in marketing, veterinary services, and research projects.
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