Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology Center
Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology Centre
Pune, Maharashtra, IND
Dr. Pankaj specializes in Genitourinary Reconstructive at Pune, India. He completed Masters in General Surgery from University of Mumbai where he secured second place and DNB in Urology in Pune. He achieved the highest honour in the field; The H S Bhat Gold Medal in the final exit examination conducted by the National Board, Urology (DNB) in 2010. For over ten years, he has been actively associated with Centre for Reconstructive Urology, Pune working as a core team member under the able guidance of Dr. Sanjay B Kulkarni, an eminent International Faculty.
Dr. Pankaj is passionate about his work, an avid researcher. His has innovated novel technique (MRI in Pelvic fractures) and a device (Penile retractor) which has won the third prize at BANTU, SIU 2017. This retractor is very useful for management of hypospadias, penile surgeries including Peyronie’s disease. It is self-retaining and improves surgeon as well as assistant ergonomics. He has recently published technique of using Vicryl tackers for quilting in anterior urethroplasty. His latest work on 3-D printing of Pelvic fracture urethral injuries has won award at the IAUA meeting, Chicago,2019.
Pankaj won the prestigious IAUA Chakraborty Fellowship for 2018 and visited Cleveland Clinic.
He is multiple book chapters to his credit and over 84 Publications. He has been invited as Operating Faculty for Urethroplasty and hypospadias surgeries across India and many countries abroad.
He is a faculty for GURS And University Fellowship program in Reconstructive Urology. He was elected as Board of Directors of GURS from 2016-19 and now continues as a Fellowship committee member.
Dr Pankaj is happy to contribute in any role given to take forward the education and surgery in the field of Reconstructive Urology.
At the Service of Society.
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