Chief, Urology
Children's National Medical Center
Children's National Health System
Washington, DC, USA
Hans G. Pohl, MD, Professor of Urology and Pediatrics, was a resident in Urology at George Washington University Hospital following his medical school education at the same university. He completed a 2 year basic science fellowship at the NIH, followed by a 2 year pediatric urology fellowship at Children's Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Pohl joined the faculty at Children’s Hospital in 2002 and has focused his research interests on urinary tract infection, vesicoureteral reflux, UTI associated renal scarring and hydronephrosis. He has participated in various NIH funded clinical trials (RIVUR, CUTIE, STARRS), externally funded projects (Impact of Self-Management with Probiotics on Urinary Symptoms and the Urine Microbiome in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Spina Bifida (SB)) and internally funded projects (Congenital Urinary Biomarkers in Hydronephrosis). His more recent research interests have focused on understanding the microbiome of the urinary tract in patients with neuropathic bladders as well as improving the diagnosis of UTI in patients with spina bifida.
Formerly the Director of Research for the Division of Urology, the Program Director of the A. Barry Belman Fellowship in Pediatric Urology, Vice-chief of the Division of Urology and Medical Unit Director for Perioperative Services, he asumed the Chief of Urology role in 2019.
Subspecialty interests: Complex reconstructive problems, exstrophy/epispadis complex, urinary incontinence associated with spina bifida
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