Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
Mexico, MEX, MEX
MD Erick Alejandro Ramirez Perez is a Reconstructive urologist, chairman of Urethral Center Mexico in the Hospital Anegeles Mocel in Mexico city.
He earned his medical degree from Anahuac University in 1999. He completes General Surgery in 2003 and his Urology residency at the Hospital Central Militar in Mexico City from 2004 to 2008. His interest in reconstructive urology specially in urethral reconstruction motivated him to apply for training in this area. He was accepted in the Center for reconstructive urethral surgery in Arezzo Italy and trained by Dr Guido Barbagli in 2008. After his training he returned to Mexico City and Founded the first and currently the main Urethral reconstructive reference center in all the country. After that, he continued his training with Professor Sanjay Kulkarni in India and other reconstructive centers in reconstructive genitourethral surgery around the world.
He organized the first live surgery workshop in urethral surgery in Mexico and after year by year he organize more than 3 live surgery courses during the year in different states of Mexico with international recognized professors. he is involved in all academic work all around Mexico and foreign counties promoting reconstructive surgery. He founded the genitourethral reconstructive chapter in the Mexican Society of Urology (SMU) and has Published numerous papers in reconstructive urology. Currently he is the coordinator of the genitourethral reconstructive chapter in the SMU, he was the first Mexican accepted as an Active and Board Member of the GURS. He is consultant of the main Public Health Institutes in Mexico. His clinical interest includes urethral reconstruction, surgical treatment in peyronies disease, vesicovaginal fistula, rectourethral fistula, penile reconstruction, male urinary incontinence. Now he is developing new programs for educational purposes and research in the country in the field of reconstructive urology with worldwide experts collaboration.
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