Harvard Medical School
Sarasota, Florida, United States
Dr. Morgentaler is a pioneer in men's health, founding the first comprehensive men's health center in the US in 1999. His research in testosterone dates to 1978, and over the ensuing 40 years his research and clinical experience has transformed the field, particularly his research regarding testosterone and prostate cancer. Dr. Morgentaler founded the Androgen Society, an international multi-disciplinary organization dedicated to the study of testosterone deficiency and its treatment, and served as its first President. He co-founded the journal, Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics, and serves as Senior Editor. Dr. Morgentaler has published more than 200 scientific articles in leading medical journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, and Cancer. He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery (Urology), Part-time, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston. For more than 20 years Dr. Morgentaler co-chaired the popular forum at the annual meeting of the AUA called Clinical Controversies in Men's Health. He has lectured in more than 25 countries. Dr. Morgentaler has authored four books for the public, including The Viagra Myth, Testosterone For Life, and most recently, The Truth About Men and Sex. He will give the 2022 John K. Lattimer Lecture at the annual meeting of the AUA.
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